Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How to remove and clean your trackball

So i get PINGed on my BB messenger today and its my friend Ekundayo. He tells me how his trackball is acting up and what can he do about it. I decided i should post this for the trackball berrys out there that experience the same problem. I posted pics to better help.

I assume this will work for all trackball models (88xx, 83xx, 81xx) but I may be wrong. It DOES work for the 88xx. The process is fairly simple but it requires some dexterity. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE IF YOU COMPLETELY JACK UP YOUR BERRY. I'M JUST TELLING YOU WHAT I DID. DO NOT ATTEMPT UNLESS YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE.

Hit The Jump For More Details.....

So what I did/ achieved is:
A) Cleaned the Trackball so its white
B) Cleaned the insides so its not sticky
C) Colored the LED so the TrackBall is another color than white (you do not need to do this for the 81xx it has colored LEDs).

What you first need to do is remove the silver plastic ring around the trackball. What you'll need is a small screwdriver or something with a small tip. NOT A KNIFE, I repeat don't use a knife because it might damage the mechanism. I used a small phillips screwdriver.

Once off (there should be 3 prongs on the ring: left, right, bottom). Set it aside for later. You should see the trackball mechanism. To pop it out just face the Berry down and pop it out. It should just fall out easily with minimal force. Its held in by a magnet.

Now you have a clear opening to the insides (you should see the LED). Take a cotton swab with alcohol on in and clean the insides. MAKE SURE THE BERRY IS OFF!!! There you go now it should not stick.

If you want to change the color. Just take a marker. I used a sharpe and color the LED. THIS WILL VOID YOUR WARRANTY.

For those who are not as crazy as me, take a Qtip and dip it in alcohol. Use it to Clean the Black rollers that are on each corner. Clean until the trackball feels smoother or until the black rollers don't have anymore lint or cotton on them.

skip this paragraph If you chose to just clean the black rollers with a Qtip.
Now if your crazy like me and want a white trackball here you go. This is where you need to be careful and very delicate. Take the trackball mechanism and look at it. You should see these black rollers that are on each corner (clean these too). To remove the trackball take off the metal ring on the top (CAREFULLY). Two halfs should separate and you should be able to remove the trackball. Now pop the trackball in vinegar and warm water and salt around half and half with a pinch of salt. Let it sit for at least an hour or two. NOTE: when you pop out the trackball the rollers might pop out too. Don't worry they can pop back in they are just tricky due to the fact its magnetic. ALSO: You have to remove the trackball out of the mechanism if your going to put it in the vinegar solution. Due to the salt. It might rust the metal ring or worse. So after you clean the trackball wash it with alcohol and pop it back in. Put the metal ring back on the right way (there are 2 ways) make sure the little holes on 2 of the sides of the metal ring are secure.

Put the mechanism back inside the BlackBerry. Put the plastic ring back on and there you go good as new. Turn it on and enjoy!!!

If you have any questions or need help leave a comment and I will respond back.



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