Sunday, April 19, 2009

Viigo - The one app you'll never want to be w/out

I love this Application. It allows me to stay up-to-date with Blogs. i.e: for all my undergound hip hop and some Automatic Classic cool stuff, i have my Rss Feeds to END OH YEAH; for all my foot wear or what we like to call, "Foot Seasonings", I have my RSS Feed Channel Land O'Kicks; and for all my Stock alerts and trading information, i have a Channel Investor Dialogues coming straight to my BB with alerts whenever something new is posted.

Not only that but Viigo boasts a brand new, intuitive, mobile-friendly interface, delivering a wide range of customizable content and services from some of the world’s leading content providers and publishers. You’ll enjoy breaking news, rich weather, real-time sports scores, stocks and finance, audio and podcasts, entertainment, and blogs in one simple, freely downloadable application. Just click and go…with Viigo!

Every day, people around the world rely on Viigo as their gateway to a vast array of up-to-the-minute content and useful services, wherever they are and whenever they need it. In one simple, fully customizable application, Viigo delivers news, weather, flight schedules and status, real-time sports scores, stock quotes and market data, entertainment, hotel and restaurant reviews, blogs, and much more. Viigo is the one application smartphone users cannot be without.

For more information, visit To download Viigo onto your device, go to from your mobile browser.

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