Monday, April 20, 2009

Palm Pre webOS - new Sprint Commercial

There's no mention of BlackBerry smartphones in the video above and a Palm Pre is shown at the end, but no matter how you slice it this latest commercial from Sprint is pretty cool. Give it a watch for some geeky data stats that'll make you sound smart at the dinner table tonight!

It was pretty clear from the start that Palm has big plans for webOS — despite blogger excitement when the company confirmed more webOS handsets would be coming, Palm obviously didn’t build a new OS from the ground up for one device. What has been and is still up in the air however, is how developers will respond to webOS and its development environment, the Mojo SDK. Palm, like other smartphone companies, will be relying heavily on third parties to enhance its platform by introducing exciting, innovative and useful applications. We know the Pre is sexy and we know the webOS UI is sexy, but what about the guts? According to Network World, developers who have been checking out the SDK so far seem to feel that Mojo is both very inviting and easy to work with. Score. Palm chose JavaScript, HTML and CSS the foundation for apps and as such, there is nothing new for developers to learn. If they can build a web page, they can build a webOS app. Christian Sepulveda, vice president of business development at Pivotal Labs is quoted as saying, “It’s a completely new way of thinking about an OS on mobile devices.” He’s right of course -Palm has taken old and familiar technology accessible to just about any device out there, and hidden it beneath a stunning UI and UX. We don’t know about you, but we can’t wait to see what devices can do with this killer combo.



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