Friday, June 5, 2009

Acer’s F1, L1 and C1 handsets get detailed

The F1 is the top of the line model featuring a 3.8-inch WVGA display, the coveted 1GHz Snapdragon processor, 300MB available storage memory (ROM), 89MB available program memory (RAM), 5 megapixel camera with flash and auto-focus, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, HSDPA, GPS, FM Tuner, 3.5mm headphone jack and Windows Mobile 6.5. The L1 and C1 are entry level smartphones with the L1 being a slider and the C1 a full touchscreen device. The L1 features a 2.8-inch 240×400 touchscreen display, a 5 way navigational button, 12 key numeric keypad and Windows Mobile 6.5. The C1 also features 2.8-inch 240×400 touchscreen with handwriting recognition, 528MHz processor, 2 megapixel fixed focus camera, microSD expansion, built-in stylus, and Windows Mobile 6.5. All three handsets are slated for release later this year. Hit the jump for some snapshots of the L1 and C1.....

[Via Pocket PC Thoughts]

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