Saturday, June 20, 2009

Android: How to setup phone to install themes...

Before I post this...I want to say I am NOT responsible if any of you brick your phone while attempting to do this. I just simply want to pass this along for those who are interested in applying themes.

Go here and follow these steps: showthread.php?t=442480
This will take you through the process of getting root back on your phone. This is essential in making any alteration to the Android OS.

After you successfully root your phone, go to: ANDROID THEMES HERE
This forum has themes to download. Please I urge you to read through a few of the posts to understand that each theme is propriatary to the build you have on the phone. Once again, I am not responsible if you brick your phone.

After you download the theme:

Installation Instructions:
-Rename it to and place it on your sdcard.
-Turn off phone and start in recovery mode. (Home + Power)
-Press Alt + S
-Press Home + Back once update is complete

Hit the Jump for more Details...

here are some issue people have come across
"I havn't been able to install any themes since I installed jf1.41 rc33. Before I had jf rc30 and themes installed fine but not anymore. Any ideas?"
You have to make 100% sure that the themes are built for RC33. I fell into this same issue. It should say RC33 in the title.

"how do i revert back if i want the regular theme"

Check this out


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