Friday, June 19, 2009

Palm Pre: Touchstone hard-wired into owner's BMW

Technically, it’s not supposed to work. As many of our members have discovered, your typical 12-volt car power outlet is not enough to work a Touchstone Palm Pre charger, and even most in-car AC converters aren’t up to the task of charging sans wires. But where there’s a will, there’s a way. Bretov over at had the will and hardwired his Touchstone charger into his BMW, taking advantage of the empty slot where his iDrive control knob would have gone. It’s a bit more involved than just plugging in the micro-USB car charger, but like many of us, Bretov would rather do more work now than deal with the silly micro-USB plug every time he got in the car. Now all we need is Palm to come up with an OEM solution to this so we can stop cutting holes and splicing wires in our cars.

[via: Engadget]

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