Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Verizon to offer the Tour with or without a camera

Despite the fact that BES admins can put IT policies into effect that physically prohibit their use, many companies, organizations and governments (and gym locker rooms) flat our refuse to give their employees a BlackBerry that is equipped with a camera. With the 88xx series devices being the only camera-less BlackBerrys still on the market and no new camera-less devices having been announced by RIM, it looks like those who work in extremely security-conscious environments will have to hang onto their antediluvian devices for the long haul, right? Wrong. Having shown up as available for pre-order on Verizon’s website without any sort of official announcement from either Verizon or RIM, a camera-less BlackBerry Tour 9630 has now been confirmed to exist and it will go for the same $199.99 as the camera-equipped model. Just in case you’re wondering — yes, we too think President Obama needs one of these ASAP. Hit the jump for a pic of the camera-less Tour’s backside.

Hit the Jump for more PICTURE Details...


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