Worried about Pre shortages? Not as much as this guy, you’re not…
Things have heated up quite a bit since Sprint confirmed to us that the Palm Pre is likely to be in short supply when it launches this weekend. As such, if you’re one of the many future Pre addicts who can’t wait to get your hands on Palm’s first webOS-powered device you may want to consider dusting off the old camping gear. Hit the Jump for more Details...
According to tinyComb, lines for the Pre are already beginning to form outside Sprint shops. Ok fine — one guy is parked outside one shop rocking a sign that reads “First”, but who knows how many could join him before the week is through? Here’s what the anonymous Pre hound had to say:
"I’ve been so disappointed with Sprint since my parents got me a plan three years ago. I hear there is only going to be four phones at each spot, and I’m getting mine!"
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