9530 (Storm) v. 4.7.0.OOAKDPC v5.92 with 5.0/.151/.148 OS HYBRID
I recently uploaded this new hybrid OS bc the previous i was running into some complications. Some of those complications consisted of memory leak and battery not lasting a day. I finally got fed up and decided it was time for a new upgrade. i found this one and i'm hearing good things about it. This is OneOfaKindDPC's hyrbid version of the 95xx OS.
This hybrid is a hybrid of hybrids. It consists of 151 files, Lyricidal's 5.0 files, files from v4 of my hybrid, plus some other tweaks I have added all over .148 to bring the whole things together.
Hit the Jump for more Details...
This hybrid is slimmed down. In other words several none essential programs have been removed to allow for the most possible free memory without out degrading the functionality of the storm. Please read the list of things removed before installing this hybrid as you have the ability to add the things I removed back into the OS at the sacrifice of whatever memory the programs added use up.
Here's a list of all items removed: (used the terms from Lyricidal's Shrink An OS to make it easier to reinstall things that were removed later on)
All Language files that are anything other than English (sorry its all I know)
Google Talk
Yahoo (there are 3rd party programs that can make these all possible with only a fraction of the size)
Flickr (debating on whether or not to add this back in)
Docs To Go (Sheet, Slideshow, and Word)
Application Center
Default Background
Default Ringtones
Event Log Viewer
Help Files
OTA Upgrade
Password Keeper
Setup Wizard
SIM Card Capabilties
Vodaphone Music App
VZ Nav
Vcast Rhapsody
Download Shrink An OS by Lyricidal
-Locate your 148 directory where you should have the hybrid installed (X:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In Motion\Shared\Loader Files\9530-v4.7.0.148_P4.0.0.181
-Place the 'Removed Files' folder into the 'Java" folder
-Run Shrink An OS
-Browse for the 148 folder
-Check the items you want put back in
-Click 'Put It Back!'
-Install the OS
Here are OOAK's updates
9530 5.92 (updated 3pm est 7-02-09)
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service - Zipped
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service - Installer
9500 - 5.91
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service - Zip
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service - Installer
There is only 1 file in the java folder that is 148, everything else is either 151 or a 5.0 file.
Added back in the 5.0 fonts (didn't mean to get rid of them) making it a total of 10 files from 5.0, 1 148 file, and the rest is 151.
Updated the remove files folder with all 151 files.
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MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service - RAR - ZIPPED
MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service - EXE - Installer
Almost all the 5.0 files have been removed. The only 5.0 files that are in 5.9 are the browser files (about 8-10 files)
The majority of this hybrid is 151, I added in the 8 or so 148 files needed to make 151 work with the 9530 and added in the 8 or so 5.0 files for the browser.
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