Thursday, July 16, 2009

iPhone App: VideoUp for Facebook IPA free

VideoUp for Facebook is the easy way to get video from your iPhone 3GS to Facebook.

"VideoUp is very simple... What’s really pretty amazing about the app is just how fast it uploads the videos."
- MG Siegler,

Hit the Jump for more Details...

Easily post video to your Facebook profile where friends will be able to see it instantly.

- iPhone 3GS ONLY
- Requires a Facebook Account

Three simple steps:
1) Log-in to your Facebook account
2) Select a video (or record a new one)
3) Add an optional description and send.
The application does the rest.

Important Note:
We are aware of some users having trouble connecting to Facebook. We have submitted a fix and are waiting for Apple to approve it. We have no way to respond to reviews. If you experience this or other problems please visit or email us at we can help.

VideoUp was developed by Raizlabs, makers of other quality apps like Tip Calculator, Mortgage Calculator, Clock Radio, JetSetter and WhereAreYou.
New in this version Unavailable
Languages English
Requirements Compatible with iPhone
Requires iPhone OS 3.0 or later
Version 1.0
Link ID Date added
55953 2009-07-15 20:15:47

56020 2009-07-16 13:43:17

56005 2009-07-16 12:23:41

55964 2009-07-16 02:42:33

If you like the free service we provide please support our site by visiting our sponsors! We also except Donations.



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