More Blackberry Storm Tips & Tricks
Tip #1 - Sometimes an application may hang your phone and you need to bypass that particular app. To run your Blackberry Storm in safe mode you initiate a battery pull and when the led light stops shining red, hold down the escape key until your Blackberry Storm is completely done rebooting. A message will appear saying that you are in now in Safe Mode. Click “OK” and continue use with your Storm. To exit Safe Mode initiate another battery pull and this time do not hold onto the escape key.
Tip #2 - Clean your Blackberry Storm Memory. First clear your Browser Cache. Open the BB Browser, Press the BB button>Options>Cache Operations. Clear all four items. Enable and use Memory Cleaning (You only need to enable once, or after an update of the OS). Click Options>Security Options>Memory Cleaning, Set to “Enable”. Now just press the BB button and select Clean Now (After Clicking on Memory Cleanup). Now clear the Java log. From the homescreen, press the BB button, and select show keyboard (in landscape) hold the !?123 button to lock in then press “/”/ (or if in portrait ,5,5), then press the BB button and select clear log. After that is all complete do a battery pull or do a soft reset using one of the 3rd party applications like QuickPull or SoftReset.
Tip #3 - As you know the accelerometer changes the orientation of your Blackberry Storm when you hold it upright, or on it’s side. Now, when laying in bed, do you notice it does not change orientation when you hold it upside down. If you are laying down, and you wish to browse but you don’t want your Blackberry Storm to leave landscape mode, just start with your Storm in landscape, and then you can lean it upside down and it stays in landscape. The trick is to just make sure to lean it with the top
(where it says Blackberry) side down.
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