Palm Pre: Email in Landscape Mode: No Rooting Required!
People send in a tip that's in the same vein as the now-famous Konami Code developer mode trick, but is much more useful to your average user: viewing email in Landscape mode!
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Here's how: when in your mailbox listing view (i.e. the top of the email app), type in RocknRollHax. It helps if you hold down Shift+ the key for the capitalized letters instead of hitting them in sequence. As Gennadiy writes, type as follows:
Hold Shift + R
Hold Shift + R
Hold Shift + H
Do that, and suddenly you can rotate your Pre in either the message listing mode or while looking at a specific email and view it in Landscape mode. Very helpful for those HTML-coded messages. Note however that the menu disappears when in landscape mode (just like it does in the browser). Update: As jhoff80 notes in the comments, unlike the landscape browser, scrolling the gesture area doesn't work here.
Unfortunately, this method doesn't appear to 'stick' after you've closed the email app. If you want it to be permanent, jblebrun at the
Pre Dev Wiki has the details for you Pre-rooters for keeping landscape mode permanent.
Kudos also to FXDemolisher for the RocknRollHax trick!
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