Monday, August 31, 2009

BBFileScout- Renamed, Updated And Now Better Then Ever!

BBFileScout- Renamed, Updated And Now Better Then Ever!

This is a good example of how great donation ware gets better. BBFileScout has been updated recently as BBRocks pointed out to me. Lots of new stuff was included with this version's changelog including a name change for the application itself, BBFileScout from here on out will just be named FileScout. For those of you out there who have used the app on occassion know how great it is, and for those of you who don't now is the time to download this awesome file explorer for your BlackBerry. New changes include:

  • ‘BBFileScout’ is now called ‘FileScout’ The double ‘BB’ was removed from the application name cause of legal concerns – actually this change requires, that you have to delete your current BBFileScout installation [Options - Advanced Options - Applications] (reboot might be required) before you can install FileScout v1.2.0.0. I am sorry for this inconvenience.

  • New Option: ‘Check for Updates’ – allows you directly from FileScout to check, if a new Version of the application is available.

  • Renamed ‘Stack’ to ‘vClipboard’ in the hope that this is easier to understand for most of the users how copy and move operations can be performed.

  • New “Search for text” function in the integrated text editor (incl. “Find next” function and case sensitive/case insensitive switch)

  • New keyboard shortcut: + (M)odify Image

  • New Thumbnail Option: ‘Do not try to reload broken images’ – when you have specified a ‘Thumbnail-Store Directory’ FileScout can also store the information about broken images – so the next time folders with broken images are opened there will be no warning message for the same files again.

  • If ‘Confirm Delete of files & directories’ is enabled, and you want to delete multiple files you have a new checkbox in the confirm dialogue: ‘Do not ask again for this selection?’ – once this is checked, all files of the selection will be deleted without additional confirmation.

Some great changes there but please keep in mind, you must be running OS 4.3+ to use this application. As always, this application remains donationware meaning if you download it, use it and love please donate to help keep the development going.

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