Thursday, August 6, 2009

Pandora for BlackBerry Updated to 1.1.1


Pandora for BlackBerry has been updated from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 and fixes various networking issues. Users will be prompted to update when logging in. The update repairs issues that some users on certain devices were experiencing including HTTP 502 errors. Not all devices were having the same issue. From Pandora release notes:

  • Fixed HTTP 502 issue (and other networking-related issues such as the "connection closed" problem on the 8350i)

  • Fixed volume going to "full" after an audio system alert (phone, email, IM) on Storm

  • For listeners who use the low end of the volume scale, the jump from 3 bars to 4 bars isn't as jarring anymore

To download visit from your device. Thanks to everyone that sent this in!

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