Monday, September 21, 2009

Free Reverie Theme for BlackBerry Bold & Curve 8900

Reverie is about as simple as it gets. This full screen theme shows no icons on the homescreen, allowing you to fully show off your wallpaper. There is a small banner along the bottom with meters and notifiers as well as a Quicklaunch button. This is as clean as a theme can get, and I love the look of a screen with no icons. There are two versions available (with or without weather slot) and each is 100% free.

9000 Installation:

*Updated 9/19/09* Some font sizes reduced. Installation size reduced. Changed default wallpaper. Changed call screen backgrounds.

*NOTE* The file name for theme has been changed since the previous version. Downloading the current version may not cause your older version to be replaced automatically.

Reverie Bold (w/ weather slot): OTA

Reverie Bold (w/o weather slot): OTA

Reverie Bold BETA 9/21/09 (w/ weather slot): OTA
Changed default wallpaper (again) to further reduce installation size. Removed wallpaper "peek" on all screens. Added outline to home screen text for better wallpaper compatibility. Resized and moved lock screen lock icon.

To install this theme, open the OTA link that pertains to the version you want from within your BlackBerry browser. Desktop installation is not available.


Weather Slot
The theme is available both with and without a slot for your weather app. To use the weather slot version, simply place your weather app in the first (top left) spot on your application screen and it will show up on the home screen.

QuickLaunch support is provided on all versions of the theme through the "square" button on the left hand side of the home screen's bar. You will need to have the QuickLaunch app installed in order for this feature to work.

8900 Installation:

*Updated 9/19/09* Some font sizes reduced. Installation size reduced. Changed default wallpaper. Changed call screen backgrounds.

Reverie 8900 (w/ weather slot): OTA

Reverie 8900 (w/o weather slot): OTA

To install this theme, open the OTA link that pertains to the version you want from within your BlackBerry browser. Desktop installation is not available.


Weather Slot
The theme is available both with and without a slot for your weather app. To use the weather slot version, simply place your weather app in the first (top left) spot on your application screen and it will show up on the home screen.

QuickLaunch support is provided on all versions of the theme through the "square" button on the left hand side of the home screen's bar. You will need to have the QuickLaunch app installed in order for this feature to work.

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