Wednesday, July 8, 2009

BlackBerry OS 5.0 - Some More Screencaps of New Features

OS 5.0

OS 5.0. It's the next incremental evolution in BlackBerry device software and it's "officially" coming to a BlackBerry smartphone near you hopefully soon. We were told at WES we should see it hit late summer / early fall (the rollout is expected to be for all devices that are getting it at once, which means it'll likely take a bit longer to get here as they need the green light across the board before they release it).

Hit the Jump for more Details...

I meant to get this posted a couple weeks back, but newer versions of 5.0 (.110 and more recent) show even further tweaks to the feature offering, like the ability to submit feedback on applications, choose your default mapping application, choose to enable/disable data while on a call (3G devices), the addition of Sounds and Ringtones to Options as well as a dedicated homescreen icon and more options when doing a handheld wipe. You can check out the screencaps below for a first and hand look and follow the links for more OS 5.0 related content.


Some Further incremental OS Improvements from OS 5.0

OS 5.0

OS for the BlackBerry Bold - still in development


OS 5.0

OS 5.0

OS 5.0

Submitting feedback to RIM


OS 5.0

Select Default Mapping Service


OS 5.0

Ring Tones Icon

OS 5.0

OS 5.0

OS 5.0

Media Memory utility gets updated further


OS 5.0

Control data usage during calls


OS 5.0

OS 5.0

Sounds and Ring Tones (I prefer to spell it Ringtones!)


OS 5.0

OS 5.0

OS 5.0

a more refined handheld wipe


Now we just need OS 5.0 to get official!

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