Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Samsung i7500 Galaxy hits UK this month

Sure, we might be a bit more anxious for the Hero, G1 v2 or the Morrison at this point, but let’s not forget Samsung’s first Android-powered handset — the Galaxy i7500 — has yet to see the light of day. Though it might not be the most exciting handset in the world, the i7500 certainly will be the best-spec’d Android handset when it launches. While we know it will be hitting T-Mobile at some point here in the US, it looks like our friends across the pond will be first to enjoy this sweet smartphone with an O2 release coming some time this month. Big bright touchscreen, 8GB of internal storage, 5 megapixel camera with flash, 3.5mm audio jack and Android 1.5 all wrapped in a 12mm-thin case… Fair enough.


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