Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Pre gets Playstation and Mame Emulators

Zodttd has worked up an operational Playstation One emulator for the Palm Pre, as you can see above.  Sound, rotation, scaling aren't quite working yet, but the good news is that it's actually beating out the iPhone 3GS in performance so far. It's all part of the psx4all project and it's hot.  We can't wait to see this thing get a wider release.

If the PSOne isn't old school enough for you, how about some MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator)? Nebula (who has previously worked up the Pre as a Webserver) has one up and running and sound here is working, albeit choppily.

All we need now is a full-fledged Turbografx-16 emulator and the circle will be complete.  Actually, all kidding aside, this is all great work and makes us hopeful for the day when Palm can release a 2nd SDK that allows for more direct-to-the-metal coding so official emulators can get working.

[YouTube link for MAME Emulator]

[YouTube link for Playstation Emulator]

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